영어교사 [684650] · MS 2016 · 쪽지

2019-11-10 15:17:38
조회수 1,581

2020년도 수능영어 32번 빈칸추론 예상문제

게시글 주소: https://susiapply.orbi.kr/00025294632

32. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것을고르시오.

Life-enhancing conversations with loved ones are interrupted by frequent “productive” glances at the inbox; our ability to think is declined by the distraction of the ping and the ring. We maintain a state of chaotic mental activity that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls psychic entropy. This is the opposite of the optimal psychological state of flow, where attention is allowed to linger, to sink into an activity without distraction, where we bring our thoughts, actions, and goals into perfect synchronicity for extended periods. Flow doesn’t happen in splinters of time, but in great big lumps of attention. Think about your last few weeks. All the moments you had of real insight or happiness came from times when you sank your attention, with reckless abandon, into the moment and the activity. In fact, one of the very features of flow is a loss of the sense of time. In maximizing our time, we ________________________.

①rob our moments of their color

②reflect on our true selves and desires  

③perform multitasks as much as we can

④minimize our unnecessary waste of time

⑤extend attention span to remain engaged

수능특강 영어 5강 8번 소재 간접연계 문제입니다. 

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