만화로 보는 배경지식 쌓기 3
대기오염의 원인과 해결방안
1) 위 지문에서 어법상 틀린 것은?
2) Which of the following statement does not match
the information in the passage?
A) Air pollution happens mostly because of human
B) Smoke from cars and buses is one of the main
causes of air pollution.
C) Power plants that burn coal release oxygen into
the air, which helps clean it.
D) Using solar and wind energy can help reduce
air pollution.
E) Factories can use better equipment
to reduce the release of harmful gases.
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[자작] (2019 수능 대비) 2018학년도 고3 4월 모의고사(수학) 4점 문제 해설 1
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3번입니다~. that앞에 관계대명사 계속적용법이 적용(, ) 되어있는 것으로 보이므로 관계대명사 that을 which로 바꿔주시면 됩니디.